How to be More Confident on Camera for YouTube
In this informative blog, we’ll be highlighting how to be more confident on camera for YouTube. If you want to watch me explore the world with our travel vlogs and give you YouTube tips for content creation, then please subscribe to my channel right away! This blog post corresponds to my fun and educational vlog. Are you ready to get started?!
Are you wondering, “How to be more confident on camera for YouTube”?!
I understand that starting a YouTube channel, and putting your content out there, that itself could be quite daunting. But if you have to bear that along with being in front of the camera, showing your face to the audience to hundreds of thousands of people who watch your videos, it can be even more daunting. Especially if you’re not experienced! Without being prepared, it’s easy to just freeze in your tracks. So I’ll give you my two cents about how to be more confident on camera.
No confidence now? You can become confident on camera!
My friend Joshua, who is half Indian, half Filipino and was raised in Dubai. So clearly he was suffering from an identity crisis and he lacked confidence immensely. He always felt the odd one out, he couldn’t even talk to people in his own age group, face to face. But he found his passion in comedy. And from having no confidence in talking to a person’s face to face, he went on to become a stand upcomedian. Who else to give you good advice on how to be more confident on camera? So I asked him to give a few tips so that it could help my audience. So let’s go and let’s see what he has to say.
How to be More Confident on Camera for YouTube – Check Out These Three Tips!
Joshua, from the half a nice day podcast has been so kind to share valuable advice on how you too can become more confident on camera:
1. Practice makes perfect
So the first one is practice makes perfect. This is your craft. If you want to, you have to hone your craft, make sure that you practice every day! I take time every weekend to practice speaking camera! And one tip I would suggest to practicing is making eye contact in front of the camera and just go and talk. Treat your reflection as your best friend, keep it going, make sure you have eye contact so you can be fully aware of what you’re talking about.
Practice speaking to a friend or someone you are comfortable talking to when you are filming yourself!
Also, speak naturally until you get used to having a camera right in front of you and you’re talking to it as if it’s just one of your friends. Each time you record content and speak in front of a camera, imagine you’re talking to your spouse, friend or anyone that you’re actually comfortable talking to. Or, you can imagine the one person this video is actually targeted towards and think about that person as if you are explaining, whatever it is that you need to explain in your video, to that one person! If it makes it easier for you, I would say take a picture of the person that you’re comfortable talking to under the lens of your camera so that you have that person’s face in front of you when you’re talking to them instead of just talking to the lens which could be pretty odd in the beginning.

2. Take your camera everywhere to develop confidence talking on camera!
Another tip for you in terms of practicing with your camera is to take it everywhere. The whole idea is to be natural and has a natural conversation with a camera, or with your audience rather. So take your camera everywhere, film everything that you do, it will make it normal for you to be in front of the camera and then creating content will be a piece of cake. So carrying on from my point of being yourself let’s listen to what Joshua’s girlfriend Janine has to say about being more confident on camera.
“Second point is being authentic. So make sure that you talk a little bit more about your personal life, giving the audience or your viewers a little bit more about yourself. And just showing your true self. There are a lot of creators now. There are a lot of people who are filming themselves putting content out there, but I think one of the things that would get you or separate you from those creators is just showing your true self and not walking the same path as everyone else”
Just Go With Amreen- YouTube Channel
How to be More Confident on Camera for YouTube – Be Your Authentic Self
There are so many creators out there, on every single day, there are so many creators hopping on YouTube. One of the best ways to set yourself apart is to use your authentic self. People respect honesty, they recognize authenticity. So don’t be afraid to be yourself. I understand, being a woman, no matter what culture you brought up in, women are very critically judged for being too thin, too fat, too dark, too fair. So that’s why we are very hard on ourselves as well. Not fair. Just go with it. You know, be yourself. People love weirdness, quirkiness. If it makes you more confident and more comfortable, then don’t be afraid to slap on some makeup, wear some jewelry, or wear the best dress in your wardrobe. Whatever makes you feel comfortable and confident, go ahead and do it. And in case after video, you’re wondering how do I even start? Even if I get my guts together and be confident on camera, how do I even start this YouTube journey? Well, don’t fret it.
I have a free checklist for you to download. Download it and start creating right away.

3. Don’t be afraid to edit
And I think this goes back with the first point as well. As much as you practice going in front of a camera, in front of talking to you like in front of a mirror and going and talking to yourself. The greatest platform that we have and the greatest tool that we have as well is editing. So I know like all of us are not perfect as well and keep stammering and forgetting a word just like me right now. So I think editing is a great tool that helps you smoothen your transitions and editing, you can cut off some words that you might have mispronounced or you might have said unnecessarily. The power we have after we film ourselves is to edit, we can edit all the things that we don’t like.
Bonus Tip – Avoid Using a Script
Another piece of advice I have for you is do not to use a script, avoid using a script. I know a lot of creators out there would actually advise you otherwise but my point is that you already know what you want to speak, you already know your information that you want to give to your audience. If you don’t know that, then I guess you should not be creating content in the first place. Rather than having a script, have a few bullet points so that it reminds you of all the important topics that you need to cover in the video. But don’t have a script. What happens is that you are so hell-bent on the words of that particular script that, if you forget a word or two, you’re pretty much frozen and your entire content goes out of the window. Plus, it makes you sound extremely robotic.
Bonus Tip 2 – Add Your Own Spin & Twist To Your Content
Yes, yes, yes watch other creators, see what it is that they do that you like to incorporate in your video but add your own spin and twist to it! Be sure to bring your authentic self to that style and showcase it in your videos. Plus, when you see other creators, you will realize that there are things that you can do better than them as well. So why don’t you go ahead and find those gaps and fill them with your content?

Final Piece of Advice for How to be More Confident on Camera for YouTube
Be sure to get into the right mood before you start recording. Whether it is to pump up your energy with a dance number from Beyonce or Shakira or you want to calm yourself down and meditate for five minutes, do some breath work, or well, if you are anything like me, have a glass of wine! Now, I’m not encouraging you to go and have a drink every single time you go on camera but if that works for you, and you like it, then why not?
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So there you go, those are all the tips that Joshua and I wanted to give you about how to be more confident on camera. If you guys liked this blog please subscribe to my channel and hit that bell icon. Next week, we’ll be back with some more YouTube tips.

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