• road trip during this pandemic

    9 Road Trips To Plan During This Pandemic

    Without mincing words, Coronavirus did a number on us all. We all had plans to explore a new city this summer but quarantine season happened. Most of our summer was spent indoors with our families while observing safety measures.  Fortunately, while it created the opportunity to bond better with our partners and loved ones, we were all missing something; the…

  • image of a girl wearing a hat staring at the vast blue ocean

    Is Travel Really Worth it?

    Guest Blogger for the month of August is Aditi Gupta, a full-time finance professional living in Mumbai. Do you feel pressured to travel because your friends are doing it and you too must display your ‘cool’ and ‘happy’ life on social media? Do you think travel is only for the escapists who wish to run away from their problems? Do…

  • Must Have International Travel Accessories

    If you’re looking for Must have have international travel accessories, Google will throw you so many different articles and options. While they’re all great, I would like to give you a concise list of items that will either save your time, money or space while traveling. All of the accessories I mention, I have had personal experience with all of…

  • Woman with face mask near the lake

    How Can We Maintain Hygiene At Work?

    Lockdown is lifting, and restrictions have begun to ease across the world. One may think that everything is on its way to being back to ‘normal.’ However, we must practice caution now more than ever.  At a recent Q&A with the World Health Organization, a question was asked: “What is the risk of contracting Covid-19 in the workplace?  The answer:…

  • woman walking in a hotel lobby with a trolley bag

    Dubai – The Safest Destination to Visit Post-COVID

    COVID-19 has affected almost every person in the world in one way or another. Whether that’s impacting people’s health, immobilizing international travel, or changing the way we work, everybody has been hit by the virus in one way or another. Now that the virus’s initial impact has passed, international travel is starting to resume across the globe. This is a…