5 Action Steps to Start Building your YouTube Channel
Are you questioning what to do after launching your YouTube channel? In another blog, I describe in great detail how to start your YouTube channel in 2021. This corresponding blog post provides 5 action steps to start building your YouTube channel. As we all know, there is more to a successful YouTube channel than simply uploading quality vlogs! I share my real-life experiences on how I grew my YouTube channel to over 1,000 subscribers. Would you prefer to visit my YouTube channel? Discover what to do after launching your YouTube channel on my travel vlog, Just Go With Amreen! If you’d prefer to read, be my guest 🙂
Actions for a successful YouTube channel in 2021
In December 2019 I finally started my YouTube Channel, a travel vlog called “Just Go With Amreen”. I actually originally thought of the idea in July of 2019 but I wasted too much time thinking, and not enough time doing it! I was suffering from self-doubt, the imposter syndrome! I would say to myself, “Who am I to do this?”. It’s okay to think this but it’s important to move past it. Remember to break down barriers and move ahead. I finally recorded my first video with my iPhone, and it wasn’t perfect. But, done is better than perfect!
Are you looking for a free YouTube guide with specific steps on how to start your YouTube channel? Be sure to download yours today!
Before we dive into the action steps, let’s revisit my journey to monetizing my YouTube channel.
I officially launched in Dec of 2019 and made my channel trailer in March of 2020. I started telling everyone I knew about my new YouTube channel and I got my first 100 subscribers. Once I learned the strategy of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by using a keyword tool, I brought my YouTube channel to 1000 subscribers in January of 2021. Exactly three weeks later, I monetized my YouTube channel! If I can do it, I know you can too!
5 action steps to start building your YouTube channel

#1 Find A Tribe!
Surround yourself with like-minded people. I joined a Facebook group to connect with other YouTubers. The group serves as a platform to learn best practices and to keep each other motivated. I highly recommend you find a tribe if you are serious about building your YouTube channel! It is there that I formed relationships with other successful YouTubers.
#2 Define Your Niche.
What is a niche? A niche is a specific topic geared towards a specific target market. However, to be successful on YouTube you have to do more than choose a niche, you need to really niche down on one niche. You can choose a niche that you are very passionate about. What I recommend doing, is considering what your hobbies are, and then what skills you have. Where these two overlaps, is how you can determine your niche. Then, ask yourself if you would be motivated enough to publish vlogs on this topic for a very long time, without being paid. If the answer is yes, then that is definitely your niche! Start creating content right now!
#3 Content Planning
Pre-plan your content so you’re always organized. This is very important! With content planning, you never ask yourself what you should be doing. When you don’t plan, you end up not filming, and therefore not publishing. I recommend choosing one day a week for publishing, and one day for filming. Staying consistent is important for bringing traffic to your channel every single week.
#4 Create an effective clickable thumbnail
Do not drag a snapshot from the video, or a random Instagram photo. No, your thumbnail needs to be relatable to your video. A thumbnail with an expression is great. I always click videos on YouTube when the thumbnail features a captivating expression!
#5 Keep your introduction and content concise
Don’t try to create long YouTube videos with useless information. Instead, you need to create content that is sweet and swift. Your introduction needs to showcase the intent, which means within the first 20 seconds, you must identify exactly what your video is about! Also, you want to try to get your audience to watch a good portion of the video, if not the entire video. This affects your retention rate!
One extra bonus tip
Choose the easiest video editing app out there! And, choose one that is free! You want to continue creating content and not let finances get in your way. Choose something free and easy. Save your time and money, how fun is that?!
Check out my free YouTube guide to learn about great software that will help you edit captivating videos!